Banners, announcements, posts and short edits for Nordisk Trygghet. Official website at
Nordisk Trygghet is a polish service about medicine and safety based in Norway. I have been responsible for a redesign and polishing of the branding, including new video and social media content. (Polish language content):
One of the works done in traditional printing, which teaches what impact can have a physical print with its unique patterns.
A piece in art deco style to practice designing bigger logo's that could be used for grand projects like cinematic brand design or game design.
Poster of a keyboard for a Virtual Reality experience about synthesizer design and their legacy in music. This project required thorough research to create an accurate representation of each synthesizer. Preview:
A welcome poster designed for a Solent Southampton University Design Show. It utilises AR technology through 'Artivive' and QR code integration.
Banner for my animation 'Ecocity' for a Royal Society of Arts. It is my conceptualization of how a new eco-friendly city could look like in the future, based on real architecture and concepts. Preview:
A design piece, which works well in print. It aim was to make a design only out of plus signs.
A logo for an IT solutions business, tailored as 'energetic and fierce'.
An album cover/illustration for Rhys's Clements single called 'Shooting Stars'. A short animation, based on this illustration, was also created for the song. Video Preview available at YouTube:
A new, modern approach to the TACMED's business card design. TACMED is a company that offers advice and training in a niche, specialist market based on medicine, assessment planing, both in civilian and military environments.
An official logo for a community made extension for ARMA3 called Achilles. Heavily inspired by a polygonal style, based on the Corinthian helmet's silhouette.